86,400 seconds
By Ken Ingram
In business we have many valuable resources. Some that are used extremely well and others that are poorly used. How we use our time is one of the most misused resource of all time. Imagine for a moment that your bank account was credited with $86.400 per day and at the end of the day what ever you have not used disappears. The next day the same thing happens. Brings to mind ground hog day where everyday the same thing gets repeated. Well would it surprise you to know each and everyone of us has such a bank and the bank is called time. Every 24hours we receive 86,400 seconds and at the end of the day what ever we have not used disappears never to return. I would encourage you to reflect on what you can do to become happier and more satisfied. What can you do to make better use of this most precious resource? To help you direct your thoughts here are a few tips to consider on your way to the bank of time to make your deposit.
1. Develop greater self-knowledge. Learn what makes you tick and what your unique and greatest talents are. When we know ourselves we can use our talents in ways that will bring us more of what we want in our lives.
2. Find a need in your life where you can contribute your unique talents. This can be in your work and personal life. When we use our talents to fill a need we have a greater sense of purpose and self-importance because we are contributing to something worthwhile.
3. Develop self-discipline. Setting and accomplishing goals motivates us to face new challenges and grow further, but it takes discipline to do the small things needed to achieve what we want.
4. Take the time to enjoy and appreciate what you already have. We live in a world of what's next, always being prodded to seek out the next greatest gadget, relationship etc. New is not always better if we cannot learn to enjoy what we already have.
5. Be passionate! Passion for what you do and for living is inspiring and contagious. Make it a point to live each day with passion. If you cannot, question why and make the changes so you can. The power of choice is one of our greatest gifts. Use it!
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
What are you doing with Your KASH
My good friend Alain Theriault wrote this article in French check out his blogspot for more articles in French http://alaintheriault.blogspot.com/2007/06/kashsuccs.html
Un gros merci à Ken Ingram du Achievement Center pour ce petit acronyme qui permet de positionner tellement bien le travail du coach.Pour arriver à la réussite financière, il y a plusieurs chemins possibles. Toutefois, la probabilité de succès repose sur une fondation solide. Quatres petits éléments que je vous présente ici.K for Knowledge (les connaissances). La plupart des gens acquièrent leurs connaissances à l'école ou dans les livres. Bien sur, un coach peu faire prendre conscience à son client d'un manque de connaissances qui ralenti sa progression. Mais de manière générale, les gens décident par eux-mêmes ou avec l'aide d'un conseiller en orientation leur besoin en connaissances.A for Attitude. Avoir la bonne attitude le bon "mindset" est beaucoup plus difficile à développer. Le coaching est une excellente façon d'y parvenir. De par ses questions et surtout par ses requêtes audacieuses, le coach amène son client à tester de nouvelles façon de faire, à générer de nouveaux résultats. Face aux résultats obtenus, le coaché progressivement change son attitude face à certains comportement. Il développe l'attitude nécessaire à l'atteinte des résultats et rapidement s'affranchi de son coach.S for Skills. Encore une fois l'École et/ou le travail permet à un individu de développer ses habiletés. Certaines habiletés sociales peuvent être développées en partenariat avec le coach. Mais plus souvent qu'autrement, le coach aidera son coaché à prendre la décision d'aller "chercher" de nouvelles habiletés nécessaires à la réalisation de ses objectifsH for Habits. Montrez-moi quelqu'un quelqu'un qui n'est pas satisfait de sa vie et je vous montrerai quelqu'un qui a plusieurs mauvaise habitudes. Le corolaire c'est que les gens qui réussissent ont généralement plus de bonnes habitudes que de mauvaises. Même si le dicton mentionne que l'on ne montre pas à un vieux singe à faire des grimaces, quand celui-ci réalise qu'il restera comme il est s'il ne change pas ses habitudes, il devient soudainement plus docile. La régularité du contact coach-coaché, l'imputabilité qui caractérise la relation, le support constant du coach, permettent d'opérer dans changements majeurs dans les mauvaises habitudes d'un coaché.Souvent plus long à changer que l'attitude, changer une habitude assure toutefois des changement majeurs dans la vie du coaché, souvent avec des résultats qui surprennent tout le monde à commencer par le coach. lui-même. Il est primordial pour le coaché de bien travailler les éventuelles rechutes. Retourner en selle après une chute et se rendre compte que c'est une petite erreur de parcours est la façon la plus spectaculaire d'intégrer chez le coaché la nouvelle habitude.
Un gros merci à Ken Ingram du Achievement Center pour ce petit acronyme qui permet de positionner tellement bien le travail du coach.Pour arriver à la réussite financière, il y a plusieurs chemins possibles. Toutefois, la probabilité de succès repose sur une fondation solide. Quatres petits éléments que je vous présente ici.K for Knowledge (les connaissances). La plupart des gens acquièrent leurs connaissances à l'école ou dans les livres. Bien sur, un coach peu faire prendre conscience à son client d'un manque de connaissances qui ralenti sa progression. Mais de manière générale, les gens décident par eux-mêmes ou avec l'aide d'un conseiller en orientation leur besoin en connaissances.A for Attitude. Avoir la bonne attitude le bon "mindset" est beaucoup plus difficile à développer. Le coaching est une excellente façon d'y parvenir. De par ses questions et surtout par ses requêtes audacieuses, le coach amène son client à tester de nouvelles façon de faire, à générer de nouveaux résultats. Face aux résultats obtenus, le coaché progressivement change son attitude face à certains comportement. Il développe l'attitude nécessaire à l'atteinte des résultats et rapidement s'affranchi de son coach.S for Skills. Encore une fois l'École et/ou le travail permet à un individu de développer ses habiletés. Certaines habiletés sociales peuvent être développées en partenariat avec le coach. Mais plus souvent qu'autrement, le coach aidera son coaché à prendre la décision d'aller "chercher" de nouvelles habiletés nécessaires à la réalisation de ses objectifsH for Habits. Montrez-moi quelqu'un quelqu'un qui n'est pas satisfait de sa vie et je vous montrerai quelqu'un qui a plusieurs mauvaise habitudes. Le corolaire c'est que les gens qui réussissent ont généralement plus de bonnes habitudes que de mauvaises. Même si le dicton mentionne que l'on ne montre pas à un vieux singe à faire des grimaces, quand celui-ci réalise qu'il restera comme il est s'il ne change pas ses habitudes, il devient soudainement plus docile. La régularité du contact coach-coaché, l'imputabilité qui caractérise la relation, le support constant du coach, permettent d'opérer dans changements majeurs dans les mauvaises habitudes d'un coaché.Souvent plus long à changer que l'attitude, changer une habitude assure toutefois des changement majeurs dans la vie du coaché, souvent avec des résultats qui surprennent tout le monde à commencer par le coach. lui-même. Il est primordial pour le coaché de bien travailler les éventuelles rechutes. Retourner en selle après une chute et se rendre compte que c'est une petite erreur de parcours est la façon la plus spectaculaire d'intégrer chez le coaché la nouvelle habitude.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
What is the color of your value
Wrtten by Ken Ingram
Every business owner I speak to these days are concerned about the shift taking place in business due to a focus on price, the 95 cent Canadian dollar and Global competition. The common question is “how can my business compete under these conditions?” My response is generally you must focus on value in order to differentiate yourself from your competitors. The next question is “we have tried that?” So again, I respond “have you asked yourself a key question to uncover what value means for you and your client?”
The Webster dictionary defines it as “Worth and Usefulness”. Obviously, you feel that your product or service has these qualities or you would not have chosen to be in the business you are in, but have you been promoting or verbalizing to your clients the value you are bringing to the table or are you just stuck discussing price. It is time to change the record well actually CD or MP3 player and re-condition the way we think, act and behave.
In 2003 I read the book the Purple Cow. The message in this book was quite simple. “Transform your business by being remarkable.” “Transform your business by being remarkable”. No, it is not a typo I just thought it was worth repeating. You need to discover what makes your product or service remarkable. There must be something unique that you do that could be considered a Purple Cow. If you cannot think of anything that you need to do to become more innovative because every business has opportunities to do great things, then think about the companies that are able to demonstrate that they offer more value in their products or services and the customers they attract that are willing to pay the difference. Why can’t you?
Some companies are in a hurry to make money. Some might call this greed, but not in the traditional sense of the word. It’s greed because this should not be the first thing on their mind. This kind of thinking is shortsighted, often self-defeating, and ultimately results in less money. If you have a strategy and are committed to providing “added-value” for every client you may be at the beginning of your Purple Cow.
Check out the book The Purple Cow by Seth Godin and give me your feedback.
Le Centre de Réussite Plus Phone: (514) 668-2320 http://www.tac-coaching.com/
Every business owner I speak to these days are concerned about the shift taking place in business due to a focus on price, the 95 cent Canadian dollar and Global competition. The common question is “how can my business compete under these conditions?” My response is generally you must focus on value in order to differentiate yourself from your competitors. The next question is “we have tried that?” So again, I respond “have you asked yourself a key question to uncover what value means for you and your client?”
The Webster dictionary defines it as “Worth and Usefulness”. Obviously, you feel that your product or service has these qualities or you would not have chosen to be in the business you are in, but have you been promoting or verbalizing to your clients the value you are bringing to the table or are you just stuck discussing price. It is time to change the record well actually CD or MP3 player and re-condition the way we think, act and behave.
In 2003 I read the book the Purple Cow. The message in this book was quite simple. “Transform your business by being remarkable.” “Transform your business by being remarkable”. No, it is not a typo I just thought it was worth repeating. You need to discover what makes your product or service remarkable. There must be something unique that you do that could be considered a Purple Cow. If you cannot think of anything that you need to do to become more innovative because every business has opportunities to do great things, then think about the companies that are able to demonstrate that they offer more value in their products or services and the customers they attract that are willing to pay the difference. Why can’t you?
Some companies are in a hurry to make money. Some might call this greed, but not in the traditional sense of the word. It’s greed because this should not be the first thing on their mind. This kind of thinking is shortsighted, often self-defeating, and ultimately results in less money. If you have a strategy and are committed to providing “added-value” for every client you may be at the beginning of your Purple Cow.
Check out the book The Purple Cow by Seth Godin and give me your feedback.
Le Centre de Réussite Plus Phone: (514) 668-2320 http://www.tac-coaching.com/
Cultivate relationships, not clients
In a recent meeting with a former client, we talked about the ACCISS Sales and Business Development coaching he received and the results achieved both personally and professionally. Wow, Steve had just tripled his business results and was pleased to share with me how he was focusing his energy on excellence in business and more precisely things that matter.
One of the most interesting things Steve shared with me at our meeting was that he finally really understood what I had taught him in the past. He understands my belief system and what ultimately makes me tick. The secret is quite simply all of his efforts are concentrated on cultivating relationships rather than clients. He realized that clients trusted him to know his business but what really motivated them to work with him was how much he cared for them and their business concerns.
Professional selling and business development in today’s competitive environment is all about relationships. Therefore, Steve has perfected his ability to forget about himself and to concentrate his thoughts, energies and imagination on the person that he is dealing with. Through the ideas of ACCISS, he has conditioned himself to care about the people he is dealing with. This is the difference between sales people looking out for their own bottom line and meeting monthly quotas, vs. a successful sales person’s who is focused on building relationships and earning respect and trust. The engaged sales business partner will not only care about the total person but the real bottom line will be to care for the client’s struggles, successes, worries, and victories.
Here are a few thoughts for you to consider;
1. Ask questions to learn about your client and their business.
2. Consciously listen, there is very little benefit in asking a question if you do not truly listen or understand the underlying dilemma.
3. Practice your empathy, your client’s concern may not be your direct problem but ultimately, the solution may be in your hands. Your client is looking to you for the answer and that makes it a win-win situation.
“The most delightful surprise in life is to suddenly recognize your own worth”Author Maxwell Maltz
Ken Ingram
One of the most interesting things Steve shared with me at our meeting was that he finally really understood what I had taught him in the past. He understands my belief system and what ultimately makes me tick. The secret is quite simply all of his efforts are concentrated on cultivating relationships rather than clients. He realized that clients trusted him to know his business but what really motivated them to work with him was how much he cared for them and their business concerns.
Professional selling and business development in today’s competitive environment is all about relationships. Therefore, Steve has perfected his ability to forget about himself and to concentrate his thoughts, energies and imagination on the person that he is dealing with. Through the ideas of ACCISS, he has conditioned himself to care about the people he is dealing with. This is the difference between sales people looking out for their own bottom line and meeting monthly quotas, vs. a successful sales person’s who is focused on building relationships and earning respect and trust. The engaged sales business partner will not only care about the total person but the real bottom line will be to care for the client’s struggles, successes, worries, and victories.
Here are a few thoughts for you to consider;
1. Ask questions to learn about your client and their business.
2. Consciously listen, there is very little benefit in asking a question if you do not truly listen or understand the underlying dilemma.
3. Practice your empathy, your client’s concern may not be your direct problem but ultimately, the solution may be in your hands. Your client is looking to you for the answer and that makes it a win-win situation.
“The most delightful surprise in life is to suddenly recognize your own worth”Author Maxwell Maltz
Ken Ingram
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