Sunday, October 21, 2007

What is the color of your value

Wrtten by Ken Ingram

Every business owner I speak to these days are concerned about the shift taking place in business due to a focus on price, the 95 cent Canadian dollar and Global competition. The common question is “how can my business compete under these conditions?” My response is generally you must focus on value in order to differentiate yourself from your competitors. The next question is “we have tried that?” So again, I respond “have you asked yourself a key question to uncover what value means for you and your client?”
The Webster dictionary defines it as “Worth and Usefulness”. Obviously, you feel that your product or service has these qualities or you would not have chosen to be in the business you are in, but have you been promoting or verbalizing to your clients the value you are bringing to the table or are you just stuck discussing price. It is time to change the record well actually CD or MP3 player and re-condition the way we think, act and behave.
In 2003 I read the book the Purple Cow. The message in this book was quite simple. “Transform your business by being remarkable.” “Transform your business by being remarkable”. No, it is not a typo I just thought it was worth repeating. You need to discover what makes your product or service remarkable. There must be something unique that you do that could be considered a Purple Cow. If you cannot think of anything that you need to do to become more innovative because every business has opportunities to do great things, then think about the companies that are able to demonstrate that they offer more value in their products or services and the customers they attract that are willing to pay the difference. Why can’t you?
Some companies are in a hurry to make money. Some might call this greed, but not in the traditional sense of the word. It’s greed because this should not be the first thing on their mind. This kind of thinking is shortsighted, often self-defeating, and ultimately results in less money. If you have a strategy and are committed to providing “added-value” for every client you may be at the beginning of your Purple Cow.

Check out the book The Purple Cow by Seth Godin and give me your feedback.

Le Centre de RĂ©ussite Plus Phone: (514) 668-2320

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